Cristina Kessler, notable children’s book author and longtime friend and supporter of Hope for Limpopo, is sharing the “gentle (typical) side of Islam” through her free give-away program of the book One Night…A Story From the Desert.
Cristina spent over 2 years in Niger where she met Muhamad, the young boy in the story and his family. Her award winning book, based on the life and simple desires of an innocent, coming of age boy illustrates the similarities shared by youngsters of different cultures.
The author explains the reason for her give-away program, “In these days of growing intolerance, it’s important to give kids a look at other cultures so they will know that different isn’t better or worse, good or bad—just different....”. Implicit in this message is that all children share many of the same feelings therefore they are not so different after all.
To date, Cristina has sent 53 free copies of One Night to schools and libraries throughout the United States, the Virgin Islands, England and Zambia.
Visit her website to view a brief video about the book and to learn more about this amazing author.
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